Super Chicken Nugget Boy and the Massive Meatloaf Man Manhunt
By Josh Lewis
On the outskirts of Gordonville, deep in the heart of the burkeburke hills, lives a creature so strong, so fearsome and so meaty….Yes, that’s right meaty….that even the most fearless, tender and breaded of heroes might not be strong enough to foil him. He’s Massive Meatloaf Man. And once Fernando Goldberg gets a load of the meaty monster, he decides it may just be best to steer clear. But Dirk Hamstone has other ideas. He aims to find fame and fortune by luring the Loaf in and putting him on display. Does Dirk care that trying to tame the beefy barbarian is endangering himself, his classmates, and everyone else the maniacal meatman comes across – carnivore, vegetarian, or even vegan? Not a chance! It will take a whole lot of quick-thinking to cut the mustard—or, er, the ketchup—once this ferocious, succulent and sumptuous beast unleashes his fleshy fury onto the innocent citizens of Gordonville. Will Super Chicken Nugget Boy send the creature packing? Or will the Massive Meatloaf Man make mincemeat of the entire town?