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Brain Quest 3rd Grade Smart Cards Revised 5th Edition


It’s fun to be smart! Now updated with a technology section, this set of two multi-subject card decks will make learning exciting for third graders everywhere.​

Brain Quest 3rd Grade Smart Cards helps kids aged 8 – 9 to learn core classroom subjects in a smart, entertaining, and engaging way. It’s a Q&A game that third graders can play with friends, family, or against the clock to test their knowledge. Smart cards feature hundreds of questions with answers to help kids know exactly what they need to know, when they need to know it.

Two full-color Q&A decks in a reusable flip-top storage box
1,000 questions and answers covering math, language arts, science, and more

What’s New?
Technology questions that cover computer science, coding, and technology
Updated content new and revised questions that include recent key cultural and historic events
Revised historical content with a focus on balance, diversity, and conscious language